Anthony Moore - Who's Who of the World

Anthony Moore

Living, eating and breathing business

Born in Brighton, England, in 1945 at the end of World War 11 and schooled at Redifford Preparatory School (same as Sir Elton John), Anthony Moore is a respected player in the @anthony-moore-30613926 strategic and financial advisory in the investment world. A passionate fisherman and sportsman, especially in cricket and rugby, he graduated from the University of Exeter with a BA (Combined Honours) in Philosophy and Sociology. It was after his foremost job in a stockbroking company in London when his professional journey commenced, and he has effectuated fifty-three years in this industry ever since.

Fluent in French, he joined the Banque Nationale de Paris in 1973 and subsequently Goldman Sachs, coworking for them in New York, Hong Kong, Tokyo, and London. To date, Anthony has lived and worked in six countries and nine cities. He has extended his business proficiency to over forty countries so far.

Currently, a king in the financial market, Anthony runs the firm Evrensel Capital Partners Ltd, a global merchant bank and fund management company, which he instituted in Istanbul in 2018. “I wanted, as a legacy project, to build something inimitable,” he explains in this regard.

Summoning up on his challenges in the industry, Anthony elucidates, “The challenge in the financial sector has always been people overpromising and under-delivering. It is becoming much worse with an ever-growing number of very clever time wasters, scammers, and worse. Sorting the good from the bad is becoming a full-time preoccupation and can be very stressful. It places a lot of responsibility on leaders to keep their houses in order and avoid getting into trouble.”

Having overcome all kinds of professional trials, Anthony opines that a work-life balance isn’t arduous for those who enjoy the work they do, because they mirror a happy and positive energy at both places. “That said, it’s important to find the time or a way to wind down, and spend some quality time with family. Time flies, as I know very well, and it’s no good regretting later that you did not spend enough time with your children. A healthy balance is difficult to maintain but that’s no excuse for not making every effort to achieve the same.”

Anthony is like a fancy bottle of wine that only because more treasured with time. Even at seventysix, he has more appetite for business than he had fifty years ago. With his collective experience, live outside-the-box attitude, and taking on the impossible, he wishes to carry the torch for the rest of his team.

Despite having achieved so much in life, Anthony endures to live, eat, and breathe business. Wanting everyone to benefit from everything he does, he lives in the endeavor to achieve more than he has for the people who have been with him through life’s ups and downs. He expresses his happiness being in people telling his children, “Your father is a great businessman.”

Some of his achievements include running the Goldman Sachs British Electricity Privatization team 1988-1991, establishing Moore Clayton & Co-strategic and financial advisory and investment services company in Malibu in 1999 and listing it on the Frankfurt Stockmarket in 2005, being Chairman, CEO, and President of an NYSE listed fund 2005-8, and establishing Evrensel Capital Partners in Istanbul in 2018.

Anthony thrives on social interactions, which is why the birth of the new digital era during the pandemic didn’t hinder his way of business. His professional contribution to making the economy stronger is to ensure that their 

way of doing business- the merchant banking way- makes a big difference in terms of an ever-increasing number of small companies.

One of his supreme learnings from Goldman Sachs was never to use the word “weakness” and from his father was loyalty, commitment, trust, and honesty. With such invaluable learnings, Anthony believes
that it is the responsibility of companies like his ilk in providing support and careful nurturing towards the effect of climate change.

Inspiring an allnew generation of entrepreneurs, Anthony advises, “Never EVER give up. Do the unexpected; think outside the box. Value loyalty, commitment, trust, and energy. Try to be an entrepreneurial, inspiring, admired, and respected leader but also one that is known to care deeply about his people and to do whatever he/she can to help those around.” Anthony Moore is much like the fresh wave of air, filling newer generations with equivalent passion and fire to live, breath, and flourish as an achiever.

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